Fan Palm Tree
Detailed Description
This attractive little palm has become very popular in recent years, mostly due
to its cold hardiness. Severe freezes in the mid-eighties decimated many other
more tender species then growing in central and north Florida. Millions of
dollars of landscape plants were killed creating the demand for more cold
resistant varieties that could withstand the occasional cold snap. This small
fan leafed palm fit the bill. Not only can it resist temperatures below twenty
degrees Fahrenheit but it is fairly fast growing and drought resistant too!
The Mediterranean
fan palm forms clumps than can grow up to 15' in height. The triangular,
fan-shaped leaves grow to about 20-24" long by 24" wide. They are deeply divided
into multiple segments that are themselves split at the tip and they are
supported on 3-4' stems. This is an extremely variable plant both in color (the
leaves range from blue-green to gray-green to yellow-green) and in shape. Some
plants form suckers more freely than others to become very shrubby plants that
may reach 15' in width. Other individuals can be seen that are almost dwarf
growing just 5' tall by 4' wide. These days it is popular to remove all but a
few of the suckers and to prune the leaves to form a cluster of clear-trunked
"mini" palms.
Chamaerops is as versatile as it is beautiful! With the leaves trimmed up to
clear the trunk it makes a beautiful specimen plant - a delightful natural
sculpture to grace your patio or entryway. Unpruned, they assume an attractive
shrubby form. Use them as a screens or plant several side by side to form
barriers. Planted in groupings they will accent that hard-to-garden, bare corner
of your yard. The Mediterranean Fan Palm is excellent in containers and urns.
And thanks to it's drought resistance and durability to heat it can thrive in
harsh urban conditions. This palm is somewhat salt resistant and may be grown
near the ocean if given some protection (behind a dune, building, etc.)
Beauty, ruggedness, versatility, cold hardiness and drought resistance add up to
make Chamaerops a winner. If this isn't enough, the Mediterranean Fan Palm is
also fairly fast growing when supplied adequate moisture and fertilizer.
