Palm Tree source for palm tree types, pictures and care
Texas Sabal Palm Trees (Sabal texana) are one of only two palms native to Texas, the other Palm Tree native to Texas is the the much smaller Blue Palm or Dwarf Palmetto Palm Tree (Sabal Minor). View pictures of the Texas Sabal Palm.

Texas Sabal Palm Trees - Cold Hardy Palms


Cold Hardy Palm Trees Species

True Date Palms

Canary Island Date Palms

Texas Sabal Palms

Mediterranean Fan Palms

California Fan Palms

Windmill Palms

Pindo Palms

Sago Palms

Mexican Fan Palms

Queen Palms



Palm Tree Pictures

True Date Palm Tree

Canary Island Date Palm Tree

Texas Sabal Palm Tree

Mediterranean Fan Palm Tree

California Fan Palm Tree

Windmill Palm Tree

Pindo Palm Tree

Sago Palm Tree

Mexican Fan Palm Tree

Queen Palm Tree


Palm Trees Care, Resources

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Texas Sabal Palms - Cold Hardy Palm Trees

(Sabal texana or Sabal mexicana)

Cold Hardy to 16 - 18 degrees (lower depending on the age and growth of the cold hardy palm tree), The Texas palm (Sabal texana or S. mexicana), also known as Texas palmetto, Rio Grande palmetto, palma real, and palma de Micharas, is a native of the lower Rio Grande valley. It is a stocky palm that grows to a height of twenty to forty-eight feet and has large blue-green, fan-shaped leaves that form a thick, rounded crown.


Texas Sabal Palm Trees

The Texas Sabal Palms have:

  • A canopy (mature) which may be 8 to 25 feet across..
  • 10-25 fan shaped leaves ranging in color from deep emerald green for palms in shade or part shade, to lighter green for palms receiving more sunlight.

Texas Sabal Palm Trees

Stately and robust, Texas Sabal Palms grow up to 50’ tall with a solitary trunk, 8-32” in diameter. The canopy of a mature Texas Sabal Palm Tree may be 8-25’ across. The gray trunk has closely spaced annular rings. Usually part of the trunk remains covered with old leaf stem “boots,” that often split at their bases. These persistent boots form a characteristic crosshatch pattern on the trunk. The petioles (leaf stems) are smooth and completely thornless and may be up to 15’ in length. Texas Sabal Palm Trees have 10-25 fan-shaped leaves ranging in color from deep emerald green for palms in shade or part shade, to lighter green for palms receiving more sunlight. Each leaf has 80-115 leaflets with characteristic threads unraveling along the margins. The Palm Tree's leaves have prominent and strongly downward arching costas (leaf midribs) which give them a three-dimensional effect. Texas Sabal Palms may flower when very young, often blooming when the trunk is small or even nonexistent. The Texas Sabal Palm Tree produces small white flowers in a branched inflorescence about as long as the leaves. Male and female flowers are borne on the same plant. The fruits are round-oval and black when ripe. The Texas Sabal Palm can be distinguished from other palmate-leafed palms by its long, smooth, nonthorny petioles and the long, downward arching costas.

Texas Sabal Palms Usage

Use Texas Sabal Palm Trees in formal groupings, as a lawn tree, in large-scale plantings and as that special accent tree. The Texas Sabal Palm is best suited to medium or large yards since the Palms may grow 50’ tall and spread 25’ across. Texas Sabal Palm Trees may be used in a variety of situations since the Palms are tolerant of wind, drought, salt, and most soil types.

Tall Sabal Palm with large crown


Cluster of Sabal Palms


Picture of Sabal Palm with robust fronds

Mature Sabal Palm Tree


Texas Sabal Palms < Cold Hardy Palm Trees < Palm Tree Types and Pictures

Sabal Palm Tree

Sun Palm Trees