Palm Tree Care - Frequently
Asked Questions
Palm Tree Care is unique, The Palm Tree typically
grows in warmer environments. That being said, we
can still grow Palm Trees in cooler
environments. The following questions provide tips to care for your Palms.
do I care for my Palm Tree?
Palm Tree should I choose?
do I plant my new Palm Tree?
What is the difference between Clear Wood and Clear Trunk?
I really grow Palm Trees where I live?
do the USDA zone numbers mean?
do I get a Palm Tree established in a "borderline"
are some other cold hardy Palms Trees?

Palm Tree Care - How do I care for my
Palm Tree?
Homeowners are presented
with unique challenges
when caring for Palm
Trees. To maintain
healthy and prosperous
Palms, it is essential
to understand these
challenges and to obtain
the tools necessary to
overcome them.
The most
important factor for a
healthy Palm Tree is
good soil. The type of
soil determines how much
nutrients and water the
plant receives. As a
homeowner, the best
contribution you can
make to your Palm Tree's
soil is the addition of
beneficial mycorrhizal
vital component of Palm
Tree care is proper
fertilization. Palm
Trees require specially
formulated fertilizers
that answer to very
specific conditions.

Palm Tree Care - What Palm should I
In general, four factors
should be considered
when choosing a Palm
Tree for your property.
The first factor is the size of the tree
at maturity. Remember
that little Palm for
sale at a local nursery
might reach a height of
50 feet or more as an
adult tree overpowering
the rest of your
property, interfering
with overhead lines and
underground conduits and
perhaps, threatening
buildings if the tree is
planted too nearby. Make
sure that the size of
your Palm at maturity is
in keeping with your
needs and overall
landscape design.
The second factor is temperature . Most
types of Palm Tree will
not tolerate freezing
weather and even a short
bout of frost may weaken
a tree and leave it
vulnerable to insects
and disease. In some
areas of Arizona or
California, for example,
the climate is simply
too severe for
successful Palm growth.
Check with your local
nursery or tree expert
for advice if you're
unsure about growing
conditions in your area.
The fourth factor is sunlight . Not all
varieties of Palm Tree
are equally sun
tolerant. Some
varieties, in fact,
prefer shady conditions
to full exposure. Keep
this in mind when
thinking of the kind of
Palm Tree that would be
best for you.
The final factor is water . While Palm
Trees have long been
associated with desert
conditions, in the wild,
they are only found near
abundant and continuous
supplies of water. If
you are thinking about
planting a Palm Tree on
your property, make sure
that the tree will
receive adequate water
and be prepared to water
a newly transplanted
tree frequently while it

Palm Tree Care - How do I Plant my Palm
Planting Palm Trees
is similar, in most
ways, to planting
other kinds of
trees. Nursery-grown
Palms are generally
sold either potted
or balled and
burlapped. Try to
plant your tree
shortly after
purchase. If there
is going to be any
time lag between
purchase and
planting, make sure
that the tree's root
ball is kept moist
but not soaking.
When transporting
and handling Palm
Trees, use care. The
bark is easily
damaged and damaged
areas leave the tree
vulnerable to
insects and fungus.
The best time of
year to plant is
during the warmer
months when the soil temperature is at
least 65 degrees F.
Dig a hole wide enough to fit
the root ball with
plenty of room to
spare. Twice as wide
might be a good rule
of thumb in many
cases. The hole
should be just deep
enough so that the
tree is planted at
the depth at which
it was grown. Do not
plant the tree any
deeper as this may
deprive the roots of
nutrients and water.
When the tree has
been situated in the
hole, backfill with
the freshly dug
When the Palm Tree
has been planted, build a soil barrier around the
circumference of the
hole to form a dam
that will hold
water. Then lay down
a layer of organic
mulch around the
tree. About three
inches deep should
Frequent watering is
crucial for
newly-planted Palm
Trees. Daily for
about the first two
weeks and then
tapering off over
several months as
the tree establishes
itself. Use a
bubbler or arrange a
hose to slow soak
the area around the
tree. It is
important not to
allow the soil to
dry out as this will
severely weaken your
new Palm.
Palm Trees also
require periodic
applications. There
are commercial mixes
available especially
for Palms.

Palm Tree Care - What is the difference between Clear Wood and Clear Trunk?
Clear Wood (C.W.) is a measurement from the base of the nut or bell (the natural appearing section at the top of the trunk just below the fronds) to ground level. Clear Trunk (C.T.) is a measurement from the base of the live fronds to ground level.

Can I really grow Palms
where I live?
Palm Tree Care - Palms are grown all over
the world. Canada serves
a Northern reference
point and many types of
Palm Trees can grow
there. The main factors
affecting hardiness are
the minimum winter
temperature, the number
of hours of cold every
winter, the amount of
heat every summer, and
the relative wetness or
dryness of the climate.
In general, Palms are
not particularly hardy.
Many are actually
injured by a single
freezing night. Others
can withstand zero
degrees F for short
periods without damage.

do the USDA zone numbers
The U.S. Department of
Agriculture has
developed a system of
cold hardiness zones
based on the average
annual minimum
temperature. The zones
that we are most
concerned with are
-10 to -5° F = Zone 6a
-5 to 0° F = Zone 6b
0 to +5° F = Zone 7a
+5 to 10° F = Zone 7b
10 to 15° F = Zone 8a
15 to 20° F = Zone 8b
20 to 25° F = Zone 9a
25 to 30° F = Zone 9b

Palm Tree Care - How do I get a Palm
established in a
"borderline" area?
Palm Tree Care - Most hardy Palm growers
recommend protecting
the palm from the
climate for at least the
first two years that
it is in the ground. The
Palm should be mulched
with a deep layer of
fall leaves or other
material. The Palm can
then be wrapped in
burlap, bubble plastic,
a spun landscape
material such as "remay"
or "garden blanket," or
even an old sheet or
blanket. If you use a
non-porous material such
as plastic, it is best
if air space is left
between the Palm and the
material. This air space
may not be needed if you
only protect the Palm
during cold spells.

Palm Tree Care - What are some other
hardy palms?
Palm Tree Care - The hardiest arborescent
(trunking) palm is the Windmill Palm -
Trachycarpus fortunei.
These are grown as far
north as parts of
British Columbia in
Canada. They have a
fuzzy trunk which can
grow twenty feet tall.
They do not need a hot
climate, and seem to
thrive in cool, moist
Sabal palmetto (Sabal palm, Cabbage
palm) is the state tree
of Florida and South
Carolina. It has been
known to survive between
zero and +5° F when well-established.
It cannot survive these
temperatures on a
regular basis, and is
probably best rated as
zone 8a. It is a large
Fan Palm which takes
many years to form a
trunk. It can be found
in the wild as far north
as Bald Head Island,
North Carolina, near
Palm Tree Care - Chamaerops humilis (European fan
palm/Mediterranean fan
palm) is quite hardy in
areas which have a dry
climate. It is usually
rated as a "zone 8"
palm. In areas with wet
winter soil (like the
eastern U.S. and the
Pacific Northwest) it
seems to be less hardy.
Planting this Palm in a well-drained bed
(such as a bed prepared
for a cactus garden) may
help it survive in these
robusta, Washingtonia filifera,
and Brahea armata are western desert Palms
which are fairly hardy
in their native
environment (zone 8,
zone 9a)
canariensis is a
large Date Palm which
can grow in zone 8b
Palm Tree Care - Frequently Asked Questions